Welcome to the world of standards
1. Research Trainee for Synthetic Chemistry
JOB Code: SYN-02/23
Required Qualification: MSc in Chemistry with Dedicated workmenship.
Number of Vacnacies: 6
2. Senior Analyst:
JOB Code: ANA-01/23
Required Qualification: MSc in Chemistry with Experience in Analysis
Number of Vacnacies: 2
Interested candidates can drop your resume in below form.
Are you missing your student life?
Then don’t worry, SRCL is here…..
Join us, learn and explore yourself. You will be paid for what you learn here. So be ready to go to school/college to explore to your brightest future. At SRCL, We believe that JOB as not the 9-to-5 exhausting work/ utilising man hours rather it is fun filled learning where you never feel like going back to your home. Grow along with SRCL as it is your first step towards success. Change the world around you and Show what you are.
Your future at SRCL:
If you are ready for a journey with SRCL, We welcome you with a smile along with
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