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AgrochemicalsBromodiolone Impurity 1


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Bromodiolone Impurity 1



CAS NO.:2100874-47-1

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Bromodiolone Impurity 1

Chemical Name cis-Bromadiolone
Catalog Number SAB-11-A
Parent AI Bromadiolone
Synonyms 3-((1S,3S)-3-(4′-bromo-[1,1′-biphenyl]-4-yl)-3-hydroxy-1-phenylpropyl)-4-hydroxy-2H-chromen-2-one
CAS Number 2100874-47-1
Molecular Formula C30H23BrO4
Molecular Weight 527.41
Appearance NA
Melting Point NA
Shipping & Storage Information



Shipping: Free Shipping at Room Temperature in INDIA,  may vary elsewhere

Stability: Datasheet

Solubility NA
Stability Stable under recommended storage conditions
Category Agrochemical Impurity Standard/Metabolites

Rodents have long been a challenge for agricultural, industrial, and residential settings due to their capacity to cause extensive damage and transmit diseases. To combat this persistent issue, scientists and researchers have continuously strived to develop effective and environmentally responsible rodenticides. Among these innovations, cis-Bromadiolone has emerged as a notable breakthrough, revolutionizing the way we approach rodent control.

Introduction to cis-Bromadiolone:

Cis-Bromadiolone is a potent anticoagulant rodenticide that has gained recognition for its exceptional efficacy and minimal impact on non-target species and the environment. As a second-generation anticoagulant, it belongs to the class of chemical compounds designed to interfere with the blood clotting process in rodents, ultimately leading to internal bleeding and mortality. The “cis” prefix refers to the specific arrangement of atoms around a double bond in the molecule, influencing its biological activity and performance.

Mechanism of Action:

The efficacy of cis-Bromadiolone lies in its ability to inhibit the vitamin K cycle, a crucial process for blood clotting. When rodents consume bait containing cis-Bromadiolone, the compound disrupts the recycling of vitamin K, which is essential for the production of clotting factors. As a result, rodents experience delayed and uncontrolled bleeding internally, leading to eventual death.

Advantages of cis-Bromadiolone:

  1. Efficiency: Cis-Bromadiolone has demonstrated a high level of effectiveness in controlling rodent populations. Its potent anticoagulant properties ensure that even small amounts of the compound can have a significant impact on rodent populations.
  2. Reduced Secondary Poisoning: One of the key advantages of cis-Bromadiolone is its reduced risk of secondary poisoning. Secondary poisoning occurs when predators or scavengers consume rodents that have ingested traditional rodenticides, leading to unintentional harm to non-target species. The controlled nature of cis-Bromadiolone’s mechanism of action minimizes this risk.
  3. Lower Environmental Impact: Compared to older generations of rodenticides, cis-Bromadiolone has a lower environmental impact. Its targeted approach reduces the risk of contaminating soil, water, and vegetation, thus promoting a more sustainable approach to rodent control.
  4. Less Resistant Strain Development: Some older rodenticides have seen the emergence of resistant rodent populations over time. Cis-Bromadiolone’s unique chemical structure and mode of action have shown a slower development of resistance, making it a more viable long-term solution.

Application and Considerations:

Cis-Bromadiolone is available in various formulations, including pellets, blocks, and baits, making it versatile and suitable for different rodent control scenarios. However, its use requires responsible and cautious handling, as with any rodenticide. Applicators should adhere to recommended guidelines, ensuring that the compound is only used in appropriate settings and following local regulations.

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