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AgrochemicalsBifenox Impurity 2


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Bifenox Impurity 2



CAS NO.:76532-50-8

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Bifenox Impurity 2

Chemical Name Nitroso-Bifenox
Catalog Number SAB-06-B
Parent AI Bifenox
Synonyms Methyl 5-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-2-nitrosobenzoate
CAS Number 76532-50-8
Molecular Formula C14H9Cl2NO4
Molecular Weight 326.13
Appearance NA
Melting Point NA
Shipping & Storage Information



Shipping: Free Shipping at Room Temperature in INDIA,  may vary elsewhere

Stability: Datasheet

Solubility NA
Stability Stable under recommended storage conditions
Category Agrochemical Impurity Standard/Metabolites

Nitroso-Bifenox, a cutting-edge compound, has garnered significant attention as a potential game-changer in the field. This compound, with its unique properties and promising results, holds the key to addressing some of the challenges faced by farmers and researchers alike.

Understanding Nitroso-Bifenox: A Molecular Marvel

Nitroso-Bifenox is a chemical compound that belongs to the family of nitroso-phenyl ethers. Its molecular structure incorporates nitroso and bifenox moieties, which together contribute to its remarkable properties. This novel combination endows Nitroso-Bifenox with the ability to act as a potent herbicide and plant growth regulator, making it a versatile tool in the agricultural arsenal.

Targeted Pest Management: Precision in Action

One of the standout features of Nitroso-Bifenox is its selective mode of action. Unlike conventional broad-spectrum herbicides that can negatively impact non-target plants and organisms, Nitroso-Bifenox demonstrates a remarkable ability to target specific weeds while leaving desired crops unharmed. This selectivity not only reduces environmental impact but also minimizes the need for excessive chemical application, aligning with the principles of sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture.

Boosting Crop Performance: Unleashing Potential

Beyond its herbicidal prowess, Nitroso-Bifenox exhibits a remarkable ability to influence plant growth and development. As a plant growth regulator, it can stimulate root growth, enhance nutrient uptake, and promote overall plant vigor. This multifaceted approach to crop enhancement holds promise for increasing yields and improving crop quality, a crucial aspect in addressing global food security challenges.

Advantages and Challenges: A Balanced Perspective

Nitroso-Bifenox offers a plethora of advantages, but like any innovation, it also presents challenges that necessitate careful consideration. While its selectivity minimizes collateral damage, the development of herbicide-resistant weeds remains a concern that demands proactive management strategies. Additionally, the compound’s environmental fate and potential long-term effects require rigorous evaluation to ensure its safety and sustainability.

Paving the Path Forward: Research and Implementation

The journey of Nitroso-Bifenox from laboratory discovery to practical field application involves a series of steps. Rigorous research and development efforts are imperative to fine-tune its formulations, application methods, and dosage recommendations. Collaborative initiatives between researchers, agronomists, and farmers will be pivotal in unlocking the compound’s full potential and tailoring it to diverse agricultural landscapes.

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